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The Giver by Lois Lowry A Summary

Haii bookpal, kali ini reviewnya pakai bahasa inggris dulu yaa 😁

The character:


Young boy that has different pair of light eyes and perspective. Very enthusiastic upon something new, eager to learn.


A sick baby that has the same pair of eyes as Jonas(brought by Jonas Father).

The Giver

An Elder of the Community that keeps the old memories, a very honourable and quiet old man.

Jonas’ Father

A Nurturer(cares for new baby born) that wise and kind.

Jonas’ Mother

Independant woman that worked in Department of Justice.


Jonas’ sister. Innocent and oblivious little girl.


A bautiful girl, Jonas’ friend or Jonas’ eye candy


An active boy and Jonas’ friend also.

Chief Elder

The elder that controlled the community(almost the same as president).

 A modern world that describe in this story was so peaceful. There is no danger no distress and these people live a very neutral life. They correct themselves with words that hold the appropriate meaning. They take medication to control their emotional hormones also known as stirrings. They are given curfews gifts and privileges are signed to kids at certain ages dinner meals are sent to their homes even choosing the job or choosing a lover are done for them by the committee of elders. The life without love, music, colours, pain, war and ect. But, this community also have rules that need to be obeyed. If they break the rules they will be realeased from the community. Realeased mean no longer permitted to live in the community and should go out of there feeling the true sense of life. The main Character, Jonas, was an 11 boy that lead a usual life there until the ceremony held when he turn to 12 years old. This ceremony is to decide which profession he should be. Both his friends are placed in different profession. Asher will be Recreation Director and Fiona will be the Caretaker of the Old. But, Jonas didn’t get the profession and he is the last one on the stage. The Chief Elder of the Comunity told him that Jonas will be the Reciever of Memory. And so, he began to have his training with The Giver. The training was going so good until The Giver train Jonas to feel the bad memories. The Giver also told Jonas a failure of Reciever 10 years ago. There is a girl named Rosemary that choosen to become a Reciever. The Giver was filling Rosemary’s memory with the happy ones, but when it comes to the bad memories, suddenly Rosemary decided to come to The Chief Elder and asked for realeased. The Giver feel sad for that memory since he love Rosemary. At the end of the story, Jonas found out that actually realesed mean death. At that time, Gabriel was sick and if she is not getting better in 1 or 2 years, she will be realesed from the community Since Jonas know that Gabriel will be realeased because of the sickness that means she will be killed, Jonas deciced to escape form the community and go elsewhere to find a new place that still have love and care to each other. They decided to go to the hill and find a safe place. Jonas find the hill trough his memory given before and actually it was his true memory. After having a difficulty, finaly the made it to the hill and found a house. Conclusion This book has a very good perspective of living in the future. The description of the world is very detailed. The writing is easy to understand and not really complicated. It is very interisting to read, especialy Jonas experience when he find out the memories such as colors. He was very exited with the memories and wanted to learn more from the Giver. But, actually the title and the story is not suitable since the main character is Jonas as the Reciever. In my opinion The Giver is not a suitable title since the story tells about Jonas adventure before he become The Giver. The thing I learn from the story is that no matter how bad memories are, they made life getting more interesting and colourful. It is better to have memories rather than living in the system and do the same as other. There will be no challange, struggle and competition. There will be no prefession such as Youtuber and Selebgram. There will be no love to each other. We will have life without emotion like the people in the community. There will be no sense of victory in life and the most important thing is our life became so boring. This story make me realize that we cannot control somebody lifes, it was their right to decide, it was their choice not someone else. Whatever choice they made, even if it was the bad ones, it still their rights to choose. This good story make me want to rate it 8 out of 10. 

See you next time bookpal.. 


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